Cycles improvements

Sunlite Suite 2 is a complete re-design of Suite 1. Please discus any issues here

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Cycles improvements

Post by gabrielefx »

Hi all,

I think that Cycle feature could be improved.


I created in live mode a sequence of various actions. (I created several buttons before)

Then I wanted to create a precise sequence starting the first action to 0:00:00

Then I wanted to give to all my actions a duration of exactly 3 seconds. Impossible to do it because is not possible to select all actions at the same time (switch mode)

Is not possible to press and hold the mouse button and increase/decrease duration, we have to click several times.

I think that the bars (or event) could be dragged in the timeline, now are fixed and we can't stretch their duration

Then I manually changed all events and I noticed that in the cycle view the bars have not the same duration. There is no correspondence between switch and cycle.

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Re: Cycles improvements

Post by simonB »

I wanted to give to all my actions a duration of exactly 3 seconds.
Multi selection of cycle elements for editing will be done in the future
Is not possible to press and hold the mouse button and increase/decrease duration, we have to click several times.
This would require a component change which is not something we plan to do right now, however I'll make a note of it should we ever make a new design of the software
I think that the bars (or event) could be dragged in the timeline, now are fixed and we can't stretch their duration
A cycle is just a cuelist. There is no duration, just an ON trigger and an OFF trigger, therefore the width of the bars on the timelines are irrelevant