Button to Trigger Scenes in a Cycle

Sunlite Suite 2 is a complete re-design of Suite 1. Please discus any issues here

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Button to Trigger Scenes in a Cycle

Post by jnobel »

Hi there,

Is there a way to manually trigger scenes in a cycle from my keyboard? I am looking to link a key so that every time it is triggered it will jump to the start of the next scene in a cycle.

The functionality here is that I would be able to put a song's worth of scenes in order into a cycle and hit one single button for every cue. For example, if my trigger were the space bar, I would hit the space bar to start the scene for Verse 1, Pre-Chorus, Chorus etc. all the way through the song.

Any information on this would be much appreciated!


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Re: Button to Trigger Scenes in a Cycle

Post by simonB »

Hi Jordan

If you go to software preferences->shortcuts, you can assign a keyboard shortcut to the cycle "next" button. You can also assign a console shortcut to this inside the console window.

You will need to have the cycle playing for this to activate the next scene. If the cycle is stopped, the buttons will only be selected and not activated. The release next month will allow you to PAUSE a cycle. There will also be an option to start a cycle paused.