Small bugs(febr.18 version)

Sunlite Suite 2 is a complete re-design of Suite 1. Please discus any issues here

Moderators: simonB, nick, dylan, RichterMC, florent, Ben


Small bugs(febr.18 version)

Post by Lennon616 »

I´ve found some minor bugs in last beta version.
If I minimize the ribbon the "GENERAL DIMMER","GENERAL ZOOM","GENERAL IRIS" and "SOUND TO LIGHT" don´t respond to MIDI COMMANDS(just the GUI,the DMX output works as spected)The same occurs if I add theese buttons to quick access toolbar.
Jose A.

P.S.I use Spanish language and no all terms are translated and some of them are not correct.
SuperMaxi Forumor
Posts: 1630
Joined: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:50 pm

Re: Small bugs(febr.18 version)

Post by simonB »

I think this is a limitation of the ribbon tool, if you try to change the rendering and light levels in EasyView the same thing happens. We'll take a look and see if there is anything we can do.

Regarding the spanish, if you want to send me and e-mail with the words which are incorrect and their correct translations I will have them fixed.