Change default direction moving head

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Change default direction moving head

Post by Dojec »

I have a few moving heads hanging. Only, the standard rest position of that head is 45° shifted because the bracket is manufactured that way. So every time you put the heads in rest , they turn to that ackward position.
Now, I thought it would be better if you could use the initial XY screen you get the first time you load a moving head, or you can change it afterwards in the settings, where you can minimize the size your head can turn. There you also can drag the cross of the heads. It would be good now that the last position you dragged this cross to, is the rest position of that moving head. That way, you can have default a nicer rest point.
Maxi Forumor
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Re: Change default direction moving head

Post by RichterMC »

Hi Dojec,
So every time you put the heads in rest , they turn to that ackward position.
What do you mean "put the heads in rest" ? double clicking the INIT scene on the moving head page ?
You can edit the INIT scene X-Y channels on the moving head page, so every time you click on the INIT scene your heads will
move to there new "homeposition".
Make sure you have Beta 24.Sep. installed, in the older versions are some problems with the page priority.
Now, I thought it would be better if you could use the initial XY screen you get the first time you load a moving head, or you can change it afterwards in the settings, where you can minimize the size your head can turn. There you also can drag the cross of the heads. It would be good now that the last position you dragged this cross to, is the rest position of that moving head. That way, you can have default a nicer rest point.
You can edit this setting:
-> select the heads page
-> Page -> Settings -> Patch
-> in this window click on the small icon in the upper left corner.

Best Gernot
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Re: Change default direction moving head

Post by Dojec »

If you power on a moving head, then it will always move to a beginning position. That's what I call here the head in rest.
I have varytec easymove xl 60 moving heads, and the bar to mount them to the truss is 45° angled with this rest position. So, if you power on and you put on the light, then are turned backwards 45° to the left. Anytime I start a new scene, you see the heads comming out of this angle, so that's not an estethic sight.

Clickin edit while the init is selected does the same as double clicking should do? ( double click doesn't seem to do anything here ( 24 sept rel ))
You get then the same page as while creating a scene?

Can you explain which small icon you mean?
If I understand correctly, then I'm on the patch page where I see the current selected fixtures, with in the right upper corner, insert fixture, rename, change tilt/pan .

My previous message was wbout this tilt/pan where you could limit the movement, and also drag the current position of the head. But this position isn't saved while closing that window.
In the left upper corner I don't see any icon ( only left column: general, patch, group, compress,lock )

Thanks for you time.
Maxi Forumor
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Re: Change default direction moving head

Post by RichterMC »

If you power on a moving head, then it will always move to a beginning position. That's what I call here the head in rest.
I have varytec easymove xl 60 moving heads, and the bar to mount them to the truss is 45° angled with this rest position. So, if you power on and you put on the light, then are turned backwards 45° to the left. Anytime I start a new scene, you see the heads comming out of this angle, so that's not an estethic sight.
Yes, I understood this so far.
Can you explain which small icon you mean?
If I understand correctly, then I'm on the patch page where I see the current selected fixtures, with in the right upper corner, insert fixture, rename, change tilt/pan .
My previous message was wbout this tilt/pan where you could limit the movement, and also drag the current position of the head. But this position isn't saved while closing that window.
In the left upper corner I don't see any icon ( only left column: general, patch, group, compress,lock )
Sorry, I misunderstood you here.
I thought you are looking for the window were you can limit the movement, but you already found that.
But you are wrong here to accomplish your task . You have to edit the INIT scene on the moving head page.
Clickin edit while the init is selected does the same as double clicking should do? ( double click doesn't seem to do anything here ( 24 sept rel )
No, double clicking a scene will aktivate this scene and will release all switches on this page by default.
If you want to edit a scene or switch the easiest way is to hold down the "Strg/Ctrl" Key + left click on the button.
Is will open the button-editor of the scene or switch immediately.

Best Gernot
Maxi Forumor
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Re: Change default direction moving head

Post by RichterMC »

How to edit your INIT scene on the moving head page:

-> hold Strg/Ctrl + left click on the INIT scene on the moving head page
-> in the button editor select one or more heads in the fixture window
-> assign the dimmer function to the X and Y channels by dragging and dropping in the circuits window
-> adjust the X and Y channels so the heads are in the rest position you like
-> close and save the button editor

When you click the INIT scene now the head are in your new rest position.
If you are creating new scenes just select include INIT and the new rest position is in the new button by default.

Best Gernot
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Re: Change default direction moving head

Post by Dojec »

Thanks. I'll try this later this week, and let you know in case I need extra info.