Midi without "Console"

Sunlite Suite 2 is a complete re-design of Suite 1. Please discus any issues here

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Midi without "Console"

Post by Aliminat0r »

Hi there,

I would like to know if there is any possibility to assign a MIDI Note to trigger a button straight away without defining and patching a "console"?
In former versions of Sunlite it was possible to assign midi notes to trigger buttons similar to the keyboard keys.

I have got a live setup for a band where Sunlite is mainly controlled through midi notes coming from Ableton Live.
With Suite 2 (if I am not mistaken), I actually have to build a "Ableton Live Console", patch all the different commands and notes to different buttons and sliders to then be able to assign them to trigger buttons etc in Sunlite...

I think the console thing makes perfect sense if you're actually using this console to directly control the application. But as I'd like to control Sunlite through another application (which has no "console-layout" apparently) this is quite a hassle! If I make modifications to my Live setup and would then use one midi command more than before, I would then have to open the console editor, add another button to the console layout, open the console window, patch the new button to the new command, then finally assign the desired function to the new button.

I would rather appreciate beeing able to learn incoming MIDI directly to buttons or faders, instead of allways having to build a console. Maybe one could implement the possibility to skip the "having buttons in the console window" part and just compile a list of midi commands assigned to buttons or functions?

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Re: Midi without "Console"

Post by simonB »

Everything must be done through the console. The buttons do not listen to the MIDI message, they listen to the console message. The console brings everything together allowing you to view all MIDI and DMX messages in addition to synchronising with the iPad.

I suggest you decide which triggers you would like to take from Abelton and build a custom console using the editor or one of the pre-made consoles. (If you just want to pair fader, the DMX console presets are a good starting point).