Wishes: Flip Pan Tilt, Fanning

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Wishes: Flip Pan Tilt, Fanning

Post by Tschosef »

Hello Simon,

i have some wishes, and so i post them here. Hope this is okay.

is ist possible to implement to the X-Y control areas some Pan and Tilt Flip Buttons?
The usage could be like this:
Select some Scanners. Move them all to the same position. Select each second scanner, now flip the actual Pan Value by clicking the button.
the result is a static scene, where the Beams of the scanners are crossing.......

to simplify the usage of the X-Y control areas it would be nice, if there would be a way to change X-Y Position with no need to snap and drag the position marker of each device every time. I think it is okay simple to click in the X-Y Area, and the position marker (and also dmx values) jump to the position of mouse pointer... may be the right mouse button is a good tool for this?

A Grid for the x-y Area would be very nice. For Example... USER select raster value 6.....so only 6 X Positions and 6 y Positions could be set.... the mouse pointer is then automatically snapped to this raster positions.... this would be verry nice

will a fanning tool be implemented? This would be nice

If you have questions, or don't understand my ugly english, please let me know :-)

best regards, have a nice weekend.
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Re: Wishes: Flip Pan Tilt, Fanning

Post by simonB »

Hi Erich
is ist possible to implement to the X-Y control areas some Pan and Tilt Flip Buttons?
Next year we will be designing a FAN tool to integrate into easytime, we can include something like this
I think it is okay simple to click in the X-Y Area, and the position marker (and also dmx values) jump to the position of mouse pointer
I'm not sure this is necessary. Right click opens grid settings, shift+click moves fixtures together, ctrl click moves fixtures relative to each other. We'll think about it
For Example... USER select raster value 6.....so only 6 X Positions and 6 y Positions could be set
Do you mean like a snap function?
will a fanning tool be implemented? This would be nice
Yes, next year
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Re: Wishes: Flip Pan Tilt, Fanning

Post by Tschosef »

Hello Simon,
is ist possible to implement to the X-Y control areas some Pan and Tilt Flip Buttons?
Next year we will be designing a FAN tool to integrate into easytime, we can include something like this
fanning is great.... flip function?? would also be nice... smile...

I think it is okay simple to click in the X-Y Area, and the position marker (and also dmx values) jump to the position of mouse pointer
I'm not sure this is necessary. Right click opens grid settings, shift+click moves fixtures together, ctrl click moves fixtures relative to each other. We'll think about it
okay... i will check this out.... this are some tips, wich could not be found in manual or tutorial video ;-)
the ctrl click moving is fine :-) ...... thanks.....
if i understand right there is no snap function at the grid settings? Think this would be fine.... I programmed this in the dmx part of my laser software ;-)

For Example... USER select raster value 6.....so only 6 X Positions and 6 y Positions could be set
Do you mean like a snap function?
yes...i talk abought a snap funktion..... this will help to move fast to exact positions
will a fanning tool be implemented? This would be nice
Yes, next year

thank you for reply..

best regards