MIDI clock synchronisation

Sunlite Suite 2 is a complete re-design of Suite 1. Please discus any issues here

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MIDI clock synchronisation

Post by sbho1106 »

Hi everybody,

I recently learned that it is possible to sync Easy time (SCENES) with MIDI clock. My (old) manual tells me, that it is (or was) possible to sync CYCLES to the MIDI clock. Unfortunately it does not seem to be possible, only MIDI Time Code.

Reason: I would like to combine several scenes to a cycle and would like to be able to sync that to the MIDI clock which is aligned to the drummers click and to the effects. Using MTC is not possible because when the Tempo changes, there is no way to correct the timeline. With MIDI clock it would be easy to align the scenes to the number of clicks (or subdivisions).

Same to EasyShow: Is there a chance to do it this way (of course without Audio and Video Sync).

Regards, Holger
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Re: MIDI clock synchronisation

Post by simonB »

MIDI clock is a pulse. You can set an EasyTime timeline to align with music beats and can therefore align with MIDI Clock. Cycles and EasyShow are time based only so you will need to use MIDI time code. I don't see any reason why you would want to align a timeline to MIDI clock for the same reason as I don't see why you would want to align a cycle or easyshow timeline to an audio input.

Suite 1 did not support MIDI clock at all.