RGB Fixtures Being Sent Extra Information

Sunlite Suite 2 is a complete re-design of Suite 1. Please discus any issues here

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New Forumor
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RGB Fixtures Being Sent Extra Information

Post by jnobel »

Hi there,

Wondering if I can get some input on this problem...

I have patched a matrix of 3 channel RGB LED fixtures. They have worked great in the past but I am now seeing some issues with them.

The Problem: The fixtures behave as though I am sending them random bits of information. They respond to my instructions (all fixtures red, all fixtures blue, all fixtures 0 etc.) but are seemingly, in addition to that, reacting to information that I am not intentionally sending. Many of the LEDs strobe and change colors randomly as I am sending them data. I still have control of turning them off and on, but if I send them anything information they automatically act up.

I have done all the hardware trouble shooting I can think of. The fixtures are not running on too much or too little power, and they respond find to other consoles. I've scaled back the matrix to only 1 fixture and the problem persists. Other fixture types work great with the interface I am using. There's no issue with the DMX cables I am running, either. Am I correct to conclude this is a software issue?

I've repatched the entire matrix many times. I've created new shows and patched the entire matrix and only one fixture of the matrix. I have restarted and repatched the software and interface several times. One thing I haven't done is re-installed SS2.

Any ideas as to what my problem is, or how I should proceed in trouble shooting?


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Re: RGB Fixtures Being Sent Extra Information

Post by simonB »

1.Open the 3D visualiser or DMX output window and look at the levels, this will tell you straight away if it is a software issue or a dmx interface/fixture issue
2.Open tools.exe found in the suite2 root directory, click the test tab and move the laders on the left, do you still have the same problem?
New Forumor
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Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:58 pm

Re: RGB Fixtures Being Sent Extra Information

Post by jnobel »

The issue ended up being a set of fixtures having grounding issues. It was not a software problem.