Reset automatically dimmer, size, speed and phase functions

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Reset automatically dimmer, size, speed and phase functions

Post by nandopnl »


In my live shows at music festivals I use a lot the dimmer, speed, phase and size controls of the switches or scenes buttons, and always I have to reset with a real button of my midi controller when I play it again, this is much tedius.
There are any way to reset this parameters automatically when I play the scene/switch or when I stop using it??

Thank you.
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Re: Reset automatically dimmer, size, speed and phase functi

Post by mtregael »


you have a reset dimmer, size, phase, speed function for button, page and compression in the midi controller.
you can activate it on button activation or on button release.

Gaël Rambaud
Light Designer and Technician
Sunlite Suite 2 and Suite 3 Beta / 7 universes (Suite2 FC + 4 artnet)
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Re: Reset automatically dimmer, size, speed and phase functi

Post by Ben »

Gaël is right, this can be achieved by doing the following steps. I have included a simple show file with one fixture and a mapped Behringer BCF2000 with the correct settings for an example. In the example we mapped the top 8 buttons and first four faders for dimmer/speed/size/phasing.

1. Map the Console buttons to ‘Button Activation’ for each Scene (We did the top 8 on the BCF Console)
2. Map Dimmer/Speed/Size/Phase to the first four faders (left to right)
3. Edit Dimmer/Speed/Size/Phase to control SELECTED Button (found in the command options settings. Otherwise you will have to map Dimmer/Speed/Size/Phase for each button)
4. Edit the button triggers to SELECT button as well as activating. (Select ‘Corresponding button when receiving the command’ option in the command option settings)
5. Link ‘Reset Dimmer/Speed/Size/Phase’ to first button.
6. Disable ‘Midi Feedback’ on ‘Reset Dimmer/Speed/Size/Phase’ commands
7. Change the 4 ‘reset’ commands to ‘selected button’ so the properties can be copied to another button.
8. Copy commands to the other buttons.

Hope I've explained that okay and that it helps!
midi mapping example.shw
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Re: Reset automatically dimmer, size, speed and phase functi

Post by nandopnl »

Thank you for your help Gaël and Ben,

It's a solution and I had thought so, but only it's valid for triggering from the midi controller.
I need that the scene/switch will reset when triggered from a click in the screen button (from mouse or touch screen), not only using the controller.

Can you think of any way for this?
My unique solution is one midi button for reset this four parameters for the active scene/switch button, using it whenever trigger an scene, and this is that I wanted to avoid.

Thank you,
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Re: Reset automatically dimmer, size, speed and phase functi

Post by Ben »

I need that the scene/switch will reset when triggered from a click in the screen button (from mouse or touch screen), not only using the controller.

Can you think of any way for this?
Unfortunately I don't think this is possible within the software at the moment. I have passed it on the the developers as a suggestion for future a release though.
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Re: Reset automatically dimmer, size, speed and phase functi

Post by nandopnl »

Ok, thank you very much Ben.
