Suite 2 with Easy-View

Sunlite Suite 2 is a complete re-design of Suite 1. Please discus any issues here

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Maxi Forumor
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Suite 2 with Easy-View

Post by RichterMC »

I´m testing Suite 2 on two differend PC systems.

1.) Core2Dual with 3 Ghz, 2 GB Ram, Nvdia Geforce 8800 GTS 512, Windows XP, single Monitor at 1080p
2.) i7 920 , 6GB Ram, ATI Redeon HD 4600, Window 7 64 Bit, Dual Monitor at 1080p

On both systems I noticed :

When I use Suite 2 and Easy View togehter anything gets a bit slow and delayed when "Advance and Shadows" are checked in the Rendering Options in Easy-View.
It´s not just the Easy-View display, also the GUI of Suite 2 gets slow and reacts delayed.
On both systems the CPU load is not higher than 10%, so I don´t think that´s a problem.
When I uncheck "Advance and Shadows" in Easy View anything runs just fine.
Can I tweak my systems to have a better performace with Easy-View and "Advance and Shadows" on ?
Where is the bottleneck ?

If you like to check on your system try the Demo Show which comes with the Suite 2software.

SuperMaxi Forumor
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Re: Suite 2 with Easy-View

Post by simonB »

Never use shadows with the 3D. It will just gobble up all your graphics memory and put your computer to a halt. The only way I can get it to work ok is to have 2 ATI 512MB cards running in cross fire and even then it's not perfect. The graphics engine for the visualiser hasn't been developed in years, mainly because we don't have any 3D graphics environment programmers! It's not something we are focusing on at the moment.