Sunlight 2 Beta Easy Show Saving Issue

Sunlite Suite 2 is a complete re-design of Suite 1. Please discus any issues here

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Sunlight 2 Beta Easy Show Saving Issue

Post by Eddie1984 »

I'm guessing that since this issue is within Sunlight 2 Beta that this is the correct thread?

Good day. This may just be the fact that I'm still fairly new to this software but I am stuck on a problem in Easy Show. I spent a few evenings trying to figure it out and searched the forums with no luck.

It seems simple enough. I create a new Easy Show to play one mp3 song and have added lighting scenes along the song timeline at key points such as the start of the chorus. A few times while working on the one song I can hit save or save as and specify the location I want to save the file.

The problem is that I cannot load the show properly after I have exited Easy Show. I can select Open, then browse to the .ses file. It will then always ask me for the location of the .mp3 file. I've tried putting it in different places including the same folder as the .ses file and it still keeps asking me until I specify its location. Once I've given Easy Show the location of the .ses file and the mp3 it will open the Easy Show. It will show me my mp3 and lighting effects in folders in the Bin area, but the actaul mp3 timeline and my lighting scenes and queues are not coming up in the lower timeline area. The timeline is completely blank. I basically have to start all over and add the mp3 and all lighting effects and queues. Of course when I finish I can't save it anyways so I am stuck.

The Easy Show version is Mar 29, 2010 from Sunlight Suite 2. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong so that I can actually save my first Easy Show song sequence? I've looked at the tutorials several times, looked through the forums, etc and am not finding this issue listed. I must be missing a simple step. Let me know if you need further explanations or screenshots.

Thanks very much for your time and assistance.

Tony Stefanyk.

Stefanyk Tony #27895
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Re: Sunlight 2 Beta Easy Show Saving Issue

Post by simonB »

Hi Tony

This seems to be a bug. We'll take a look at it next week
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Apr 28, 2010 10:12 am

Re: Sunlight 2 Beta Easy Show Saving Issue

Post by Eddie1984 »

Thanks very much for taking a look Simon.