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Edit Color Values in % *and Dimmer Values*

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 8:35 am
by JohannesMK
With one of the recent updates the option to switch to "0-255" for the color values was introduced.

Would be great if the option would also affect the dimmer slider.

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Re: Edit Color Values in % *and Dimmer Values*

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 1:58 pm
by TomHat

Noted ! Although depending on the types of fixtures, DIMMER is often vocering values between 0 and 230+ or so, and the last values are left for other presets.
This makes it hard to make sense when you are playing with several different types of fixtures affected by the same basic block.

We will discuss it internally and implement it at a later point if deemed possible.
