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Mydmx 3.0 should be supported in SS3 Beta

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 6:33 pm
by stephenrolah
I paid for Sunlite Suite 2 like everyone else and they get device support for the SS3 Beta, You are basically saying we’re not going to include the mydmx 3.0 driver. Those customers will just have to buy the finished product when it’s released. Why the difference. Adding the USB driver is an inconsequential thing. No programming needed because all the final DMX packets are abstracted and exactly the same when they reach the driver layer. Will you please bring this up to a developer. I’m sure they’ll have it done in 5 minutes or less and then I can participate in the Beta as part of my purchase of Sunlite Suite 2 just like everybody else.

Re: Mydmx 3.0 should be supported in SS3 Beta

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 7:30 pm
by stephenrolah
Ok, for the MyDmx 3.0 Controller users, you can go to, login, ask a question at the bottom, ask to have the Sunlite Suite 3 licence added to your mydmx3 so that you can participate in the beta and they will add it to your device, up to some point expiration date. They gave me 8 months. Up to 14 June 2018. They respond pretty quickly.

Re: Mydmx 3.0 should be supported in SS3 Beta

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 8:17 pm
by stephenrolah
Alright, I syncronized mydmx3 controller on dmxsoft, and I now have the license loaded. Also now, when I start SS3 the mydmx3 controller says PC, so we now have a good USB connection. However, in the SS3 Beta, it does not detect my controller. I use the SUSHI option in SS2. I've tried all the controller options and they all fail to detect the mydmx3 controller. Does something have to happen in software and now we're back at mydmx people have to wait and buy it?

Re: Mydmx 3.0 should be supported in SS3 Beta

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 2:48 pm
by nick
Hi Stephen,

Sorry for the confusion about compatibility. Sunlite 3 is now compatible with the Sunlite Suite 3 beta.

Please head over to the DMX store and select the free 30 day trial

You will need download the latest beta, dated 24th October 2017. ... e3Beta.exe

Kind Regards,
