effects, etc.

Sunlite Suite 2 is a complete re-design of Suite 1. Please discus any issues here

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effects, etc.

Post by gabrielefx »


it's nice the Rect feature but the effects are too few.

Also Sunlite 2 lacks the possibility to save presets

For example I create an effect with a combination of colors, well...I can't save it to reuse it.


the curve FX is an LFO why you called it curve?

In the case i got rgbw fixtures and I want to apply an LFO I can't copy paste the same effects for all four channels

Here all knobs can't be set to 0, the minimum is sometime 1 or 2

Constant level preset should be affected by the amplitude, now is always zero.


when I apply a Chaser effect its speed will be affected if I stretch the effect on the timeline. I think that we should decide if the speed is constant or follow the stretched bar.

I think that the most powerful feature of Sunlite is the FX part

All presets are ready made, you should implement a system (mathematical formulas?) to create our effect.
Another idea is the use of nodes. Interconnecting the nodes we can create infinite effects.
This is useful for complex matrix effects.

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Re: effects, etc.

Post by simonB »

it's nice the Rect feature but the effects are too few.
I agree, but they take a long time to make
Also Sunlite 2 lacks the possibility to save presets
This is on our to do list for the future
the curve FX is an LFO why you called it curve?
The same effects engine is used in a variety of our applications, for the more basic apps 'curve' is more understandable than LFO
Here all knobs can't be set to 0, the minimum is sometime 1 or 2
We'll look into this
when I apply a Chaser effect its speed will be affected if I stretch the effect on the timeline. I think that we should decide if the speed is constant or follow the stretched bar.
All effects work this way. Changing the bar stretches the effect because the effect is generated when you close the effects generator. An option to expand the block without stretching the effect would mean that the effect would not loop at the correct point. Instead it is advisable to copy and paste the block
All presets are ready made, you should implement a system (mathematical formulas?) to create our effect.
A logical effect generator would be nice but a huge job and I'm not sure we have the demand for a feature like this (you are the first person to request it in 3 years of Suite 2...)
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Re: effects, etc.

Post by Geerinckx »

Simon, Gabriele

All presets are ready made, you should implement a system (mathematical formulas?) to create our effect.
A logical effect generator would be nice but a huge job and I'm not sure we have the demand for a feature like this (you are the first person to request it in 3 years of Suite 2...)
I would like that to, every time I have to implement a fixture group with RGB or CMY color mixing capabilities I have to make always the same color buttons ex. Red, Blue, Yellow,.... Color loops Red-Blue, Blue-Yellow,.....
The same for shutter, Strobe, Dimmer,......
It would be nice if we can create FX effects that we can reuse on every fixture,
you guys do the same with the pre programmed pan tilt movements. Its very time consuming to program always the same..., (Create button, add icon, group them,..)
Hectic if you only got 2h to program everything :-).

@ Simon, you always tell us if something is on your to do list, is it possible to share this list, so maybe we could give you guys some feedback what's important are not... We are the guys that really use your software, in real locations almost every day. Like Easy Remote, very nice to have this, but for a pro user, how many times do you really goanna use it....

I will post some pic's soon to show you people how I control sunlite.
I have used a lot of lightdesks, but I always go back to Sunlite. Why? For a rental company the venue is always different, the setup is always different, so you always have to program everything. And you never have time for it.
There still a lot off functions that I would like to see implemented. I know you are very busy but your software is the best on the market today. With the biggest potential.
The hardware we build ourselves. :-) :-)


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SuperMaxi Forumor
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Re: effects, etc.

Post by simonB »

We always let you know what we're working on and take comments from the forum into account when implementing new ideas.
very nice to have this, but for a pro user, how many times do you really goanna use it....
Actually we have hundreds of customers who are using the new easyremote features. It is especially popular in clubs which is our largest market for Suite 2. We had also already developed it for our Daslight, ESA2 and LumiDesk software so it only took a short while to integrate it into Suite 2. In the future I would like for us to have a logical effect generator with an open community of developers. It would help not just Sunlite Suite 2 but our other software packages too. The main problem is the time required to create something like this.