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Multibeam device from single LED source?

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:20 pm
by mrfusion
Hi all,

I have evaluated Sunlite Suite 2 but got stuck on modelling a Beglec Mystery LED II ( in a way that it would also show up in 3D-Simulation (the included default model doesn't show properly).

Is there a way to model a fixture that has a single (in this case actually 2 rotateable) LED source(s) but where the light rays ultimatively are split into 24 single rays by means of 24 lenses but with only 3 channels? (1=dim, 2=color, 3=rotation) so that it shows up correctly in 3D-Sim with 24 rays of light?

I have tried modelling it in the Scan Library Editor, but as soon as I only have 3 DMX channels, it complains that I should have 24 (!), even though I have made sure all 24 light beams are assigned to channel 1 (=dim).

Any clues on how to model this so it works in simulation would be greatly appreciated :)


Re: Multibeam device from single LED source?

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:11 pm
by simonB
Hi. Controlling 24 beams with 3 channels is not possible. A work around would be to make a separate fixture for each beam and patch them individually on top of each other inside the 3D visualiser