Easystep Step Editing

Sunlite Suite 2 is a complete re-design of Suite 1. Please discus any issues here

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Easystep Step Editing

Post by jnobel »

I'm having some issues with Easystep.

It seems as though some steps that I create and make changes to are linked to every other step.

For example...
I program step 1. I create step 2 - copying the existing information from the previous step and adding on to it. Usually by the 3rd or 4th step any changes that I make automatically apply to each previous step.

I tried created entirely different scenes, and thoroughly tried programming steps several different ways. I event went so far as to manually adjust LEDs on a matrix over several steps but still had the same issue of previous steps being affeted.

I'm stumped on this one. Thoughts?
SuperMaxi Forumor
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Re: Easystep Step Editing

Post by simonB »

I can't reproduce this. Could you give me the exact steps to reproduce it? Which version and fixture are you using?