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Suite 2 and Midi

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:27 pm
by RichterMC
Hi Simon,

here´re some finding und ideas for Midi in Suite 2 :

- when linking a console push-button in the software to a external midi-keyboard or a midi-pad controller (Note On),
I encounter some problems. I´m not takling about buttons and switches in the Main Suite 2 Software
at this point, for now it only linking a push-button in console window (for example Behringer BCF2000)
to external midi-keyboard or a midi-pad controller with Note On and Note Off messages.
So I rightclick a push-button on the Console in the Software and go to the "Midi Setup" tab.
Here I select "Auto setup Midi" then I push the key or a pad I like to assign on my external keyboard or midi pad controller.
How the setting are made, but it won´t work as expected.
Suite 2 has detected a Controller instead of a Note On Command,it interpreted the velocity from the Note On message
as the value of this Midi controller. So the autodetection is wrong, but I can´t correct it by hand as well.
Where can I set it to Note On/Off triggering, did I miss something ?
At the moment I have to push the key or pad strong (velocity over 64) to activate and soft (velocity under 64) for releasing the button
in the console window. So it´s quite useless and should be addressed as soon as possible.
I also noticed that the Midi Status isn´t correct, maybe you can take a look at this, too.

- The "Trigger Level" adjustment-bar in the MIDI command setting Window (Console)
has some problems.There is no border on the right side and you can push the bar
out of the field of view and can´t get it back.
Sometimes it´s hard to click on the edge of this bar to adjust it, the mouse pointer
changes to a double arrow but it is till not clickable.

- The "Test" in the Midi-Console Window should be abortable.
When you have started this Test by accident, you have to wait till the end,
and all other controls in the Software are disabled in this time.

- Would be nice to have a "fetch the fader/knob" option for Midi-Controllers without motorfaders.
At the moment the software knob will immediately jump to the position of the real fader/knob when it moves.

- I can´t get the Midi-Time Code sync to work when Suite 2 is Master and Cubase is slave.
Cubase as master and Suite 2 as slave works fine.
Can somebody else check this, please ?

Best Gernot

Re: Suite 2 and Midi

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:15 am
by simonB
Hi Gernot

Regarding the MIDI note control. In suite1 this wasn't part of the console editor, it was an old feature within the button editor, which may be why it has been forgotten about this time. I will get the developers to look into this and see if we can have the midi console also detect note on/offs.
I have to push the key or pad strong (velocity over 64) to activate and soft (velocity under 64) for releasing the button
Can you not use the trigger level adjustment bar in the MIDI command setting to fix this?
the Midi Status isn´t correct
What's the problem, it is displaying an incorrect status?
- The "Trigger Level" adjustment-bar in the MIDI command setting Window (Console) has some problems
We'll get this sorted
- The "Test" in the Midi-Console Window should be abortable.
we'll sort it
- I can´t get the Midi-Time Code sync to work when Suite 2 is Master and Cubase is slave.
I'll test it this afternoon and let you know

Re: Suite 2 and Midi

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:53 am
by RichterMC
Can you not use the trigger level adjustment bar in the MIDI command setting to fix this?
yes, as a workaround this works.
For a latch switch in the main Suite 2 software you can select "On/Off" Trigger in active level" 1-127" in MIDI command setting.
Then the switch in Suite 2 will toggel on and off with each press of the Midi key or pad.

If you want a flash switch in Suite 2 you have to asign 2 buttons from the console to this switch.
One console switch have to be asigned to a Note On message and the other to a Note Off message.
Now you can adjust the trigger level in the "Midi command setting" and got a flash button in Suite2.

But this all to complicated and confusing, and the console buttons are not in sync with the buttons and switches in Suite 2.
What's the problem, it is displaying an incorrect status
Yes, it will only display the right message typ but always on channel 1.
I think the "status" input field should be replaced by a Message typ field.
The midi channel is already displayed corectly one field over it.
No user will have all the midi status bytes in mind and it´s only confusing.
If the field says " Note On / Note Off / Contoller..." it will be more obvious and this names are also used in the manules of
the midi controllers out there.

Best Gernot

Re: Suite 2 and Midi

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:16 pm
by simonB
I'll have a chat with the developers about the midi functionality.

I have tested the MTC with Nuendo 4 and it appears that the MTC isn't output from cycles. I have also tested with Suite 1 and Suite 2 Easy Show and have noticed that Nuendo can read their MTC values but only when moving the playhead and stopping playback. I'll have to get this checked out.

Re: Suite 2 and Midi

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:00 pm
by RichterMC
I'll have a chat with the developers about the midi functionality.
Fine, if you need some more input or ideas let me know.
Since I work with Midi over 15 years, I know Midi quite well.
... and have noticed that Nuendo can read their MTC values but only when moving the playhead and stopping playback. I'll have to get this checked out.
Yes, same behavior here with Cubase 5.

Here is a new one:

If you try to asign a midi controller to a comressed button or switch by "Shift/Strg clicking"
two error message will popup :
Attempted an unsupported operation.
Encountered an improper argument.
But the software won´t crash.

Best Gernot