Firmware update

User based support for The stand alone Ethernet interface.

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Firmware update

Post by ferrod68 »

Good morning
I have one Slesa-IP that I have to check because there are some problems in the installation.
I have the last version of Easy Stand Alone but as soon as I open the software one message appears: I have to update the firmware.
What is the way to do it?
The Slesa is connected by wire and the computer is connected by wifi. Another box appears (Firmware) but I wait and nothing is done.

Thank you
Junior Forumor
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Joined: Wed Mar 26, 2008 7:06 pm

Re: Firmware update

Post by ferrod68 »

I've connected with the Easy Stand Alone 1989-2014 (Jan 10 2014) but I can't update the firmware.
The firmware version is 1.32 and serial number is D3610797.
I can't read the memory, but I don't know if it is because the firmware is not the correct for the software version or it is a hardware problem.
I can change the IP, now it is connected to the router directly.

Any idea please.

Best regards
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Re: Firmware update

Post by pdanner »

I know this is an old post, but I just ran into this over the weekend.
I was able to succesfully update the firmware using the the Easy Stand Alone (2015) found here...

You MUST be on a IP address, BEFORE starting the update, for it to work. If you're like me and use a different IP scheme, you will have to give yourself a second IP address that is on the ".1" subnet. When you start Easy Stand Alone it will ask you which IP address you want to use... Select the ".1" one. This way when the devices first starts loading the new firmware and using the default ".1" subnet, your software will still be able to talk to it and finish the process. Once it is done, the device will request DHCP from your router and get an address in whatever subnet you use, and you will still be able to talk to it.

Once updating the firware, however, I found that I needed to NOW use the Easy Stand Alone BETA (2017) from the same page above, in order to read or write to the devices memory.

Hopefully this will help anyone else that finds this thread.
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