Turning Fixtures after programming

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Turning Fixtures after programming

Post by guitarman »


I have got a question:

When I pre-programm a Show with Movingheads with some scenes and then save the Showfile to go to the event location
where the real fixtures are hanged up and see for example two of four are turned about 90 degrees to my 3D Simulation.

Is there a way to tell Sunlite Suite to add a 90 degree angle to all Movements or Fix Positions to work against the "real" rotated fixture?

I hope my Explanation is somehow comprehensible!

Greetings from Germany!

Maxi Forumor
Posts: 284
Joined: Fri Feb 12, 2016 2:37 pm

Re: Turning Fixtures after programming

Post by nick »

Hi Guitarman,

Thank you for your question.

This is possible with Palettes but you will need to redo some of your programming to use positions stored in palettes instead of absolute values.

Please see this tutorial on Palette positions :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3qhdSY ... 2&index=17

And the Palette section of the manual:
https://www.nicolaudie.com/manuals/#/en ... g/palettes

See attached simple example show using palette positions with easystep and easytime. Use with attached demo show.evs for the 3D Viewer.

Kind Regards,

demo show.evs
(53.64 KiB) Downloaded 417 times
Palette Positioning.shw
(156.27 KiB) Downloaded 388 times
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