Enttec ODE

Sunlite Suite 2 is a complete re-design of Suite 1. Please discus any issues here

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Enttec ODE

Post by Wollum »

Dear all,

A few weeks ago I bought a Sunlite Suite 2 FC. In a large show I need to use dmx over Ethernet because of the distance and number of movinghead.
On the site I read something about Artnet (a protocol over Ethernet). I search to a device which uses the same protocol. I found the Enttec ODE.

The question is:

Could I uses this device in combination with Sunlite Suite 2?
Is it possible to use this device without connecting the Sunlite Suite 2 FC?

Please could you help me?

Kind regards

Willem-Jan verhoeven
SuperMaxi Forumor
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Re: Enttec ODE

Post by simonB »


When you have a SUITE2-FC connected, your computer can output up to 4 universes of art-net through your computers ethernet socket.

You could use the Enttec ODE to convert this to DMX. (you will need 1 for each universe).

It is not possible to use this without connecting a Suite 2 FC, otherwise we would be distributing our products for free!
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Joined: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:57 pm

Re: Enttec ODE

Post by Wollum »

Dear Simon,

Thanks for you quick answer.

Kind regards,

Willem-Jan Verhoeven