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Sunlite Suite 2 is a complete re-design of Suite 1. Please discus any issues here

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New to forum

Post by MarkoftheWild »

Well hello all!

My name is Mark and i have been using sunlight suite for awhile now although under a different name from a different company. I have recently upgraded to Suite 2. Without getting into bashing another company i must say that at first i was happy and then extremely disappointed, that is until i found this site and forum.

I use SL2 on a daily basis in a night club where ALL stage light are ran by SL2. With the variety and numerous issues I have been having I was almost ready to scrap the ENTIRE setup and go back to a hardware controller.

I was even unable to get a manual for the software from the company that is selling it.

I was wondering that since i purchase the unit from a different company,am i still able to participate in the forum as well as contribute reports. As i said it is in use 364 days and nights of the year.

I have many questions, issues and ideas that will prove to be very helpful if you are so inclined to receive them.

please let me know.

Thank You
Mark Green
Mark of the Wild
PO Box 1102
Talkeetna, Alaska
907-744-1633 (mobile)
907-562-6689 (office)
[email protected]
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Re: New to forum

Post by simonB »

Hi Mark

No problem. We have a full written manual on the website and video tutorials at

The software is still in BETA status and we are releasing a new build every 1-2 weeks so it's good to keep up to date. We hope to have a non-beta before Christmas. This was originally going to be last month, but we have added quite a lot of new last minute features which need further testing.

Let me know if you have any questions