Some findings in the Button-Editor

Sunlite Suite 2 is a complete re-design of Suite 1. Please discus any issues here

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Some findings in the Button-Editor

Post by RichterMC »

Hi Simon,

I found some crudities in the "Button-Editor" maybe you can take a look.

1.) In the "Channels Tab" I use the drag&drop function most of the time to assign a function to a Channel (like : On,Off,Dimmer,EasyTime etc.)
This works just fine. Now I try to assign a function over the "right click context menu" and it did not work.
The Icon of the function is displayed correctly over the Fader, but it won´t react to the chosen function.

Sometimes a fader won´t work at all, I can move it up and down but nothing happens.

2.) When I click "save" in the Button-Editor it won´t save the current state of work or changes I made.
After I leave the Button-Editor without saving, the button is like it was before I opened the Button-Editor.

3.) In EasyStep the mark-bar won´t move from one Step to another when playback a sequence.
It´s not a big deal, but it would improve clarity when editing in EasyStep.

I´ve got a question as well,
is it possible to make some kind of fade in the Easy-Time Editor ?
Like fading from one "Contantlevel" to another "Contantlevel".
Overlapping the blocks in the timeline won´t work.
Is this feature already in the software or is it planed for the future ?

Best Gernot
SuperMaxi Forumor
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Re: Some findings in the Button-Editor

Post by simonB »

Hi Gernot

1. You're right, we'll work on it.
2. Right again, surprised we missed that one..again we'll fix it int he next release.
3. I have spotted this before and have mentioned it, it will be fixed at some point.
4. This is possible with the timelines in ESAPRO. I think the reason for not adding it to Suite 2 is because you can create a fade between 2 constant levels by adding a gradient block in between and selecting "auto gradient". I'll have a chat with the developers and see if it is worth adding a fade feature by right clicking.