Back up and Export Options?

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Back up and Export Options?

Post by Wibs »


How can back up my settings or export/import them?

I would like to sell a controller to my client and they want to have basic controls on their phone. I know I can do with some remote view apps or try to talk them through it, but it would be much easier just to, say, send them a pre-set-upped file or something.

Kind regards,
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Re: Back up and Export Options?

Post by HarriGoodair »

Hello Andres,

Arcolis Remote Pro files can be saved to any Nicolaudie Cloud account.
Once saved you can login to the online portal:

From here you can share the file permissions with any other cloud users. Once they've signed into an account the file is shared with on their mobile device the project will appear.

I hope this helps!

Kind regards,

Harrison Goodair
Technical Support
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