Tempo of scenes slowing down gradually over time

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Tempo of scenes slowing down gradually over time

Post by 69morpho »

Hi everyone!

I've discovered tempo problems with several Nicolaudie hardware platforms (SLESA-UE7, SUITE2-FC) running ESAPRO version May 5, 2017. I am using ESAPRO in standalone mode on a lot of my permanent architectural applications.

I realized that the tempo of the scenes is slowing down gradually over time, like a month or two, and everything plays much, much slower. This occurs at several different locations. None of this makes any sense. It simply seems that the internal oscillator that clocks the scenes just slows down gradually. The calendar works fine, though. There's a simply remedy. Just unplug the USB power supply and plug it back in. This power cycling resets the oscillator and the tempo is back to normal.

The slowing down of course is not acceptable as I can not ask my clients to power cycle the hardware periodically. I also use other hardware/software platforms and never encountered anything similar.

I am not sure if there is an explanation or solution. If not, I simply have to migrate to other platforms.

