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Got issues with Pan/Tilt Console command

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:19 pm
by mikachu
Hi everybody,

Havn't posted here for years and, as I discover the new console mapping, I got a little problem that might be a bug.

I own a midicon from Elation and I'm trying to map the Pan/Tilt Live command to the rotary encoders. Let's explain thru a short example.

- Got a show with 3 kind of moving head. (4 of each so 12 fixtures)
- On my desk, I want to select the third movinghead of each page via the same button ("3" button on the right top of the midicon). So I configured this switch in // Select Button , On active page, button name "XY3". It works great (edit : it selects the third fixture on the active page) (edit2 : I renamed each fixture select switch with the same name so that it can work)
- I now want to do the same with Pan and Tilt Control and that's where it doesn't work.
If I specify for the rotary controller //General/pancontrol command/Page MArtin Mac 2000 / Selected button, It works. Then if I tick the SelectedPage option so that this can work on any page, it doesn't any more.

Another issue with the Tilt command. When I try to select this menu, no window opens.

Thanks folks for helping me.

Re: Got issues with Pan/Tilt Console command

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 11:16 am
by simonB
Hi, I've just tested and reproduced the bug. We'll correct it in the next version.

Re: Got issues with Pan/Tilt Console command

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:16 pm
by mikachu
Did you mean these are both bugs?

Re: Got issues with Pan/Tilt Console command

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:19 pm
by simonB
Yes both should be corrected in the next beta available in a couple of weeks