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Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 2:42 pm
by MarkoftheWild
I am using SS2 much more often now and mostly for high level events as well as a night club (which is now in 2 universes! I will send you pix when done with the install). I am doing most of the programming offline with easy view as well as easy show. When i am doing this i have all 3 programs open and am going between them quite often at times adjusting scenes, switches and cycles, previewing them and doing it again.

Easy view has crashed at least 3 times recently and has required a restart. Am i doing to much at once perhaps? SS2 has crashed a couple of time as well. It says its sending the dump files or reports but i dont think it did.


Re: Crashes

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:33 am
by simonB
The suite2 dmp files are stored in the suite2 directory and are named with the date and time of the crash. If you can remember what you were doing at the time of the crash and can send me the dmp file, this may help fix the bug.

Regarding the EasyView crashes, we have a new version out soon with various bug fixes

Re: Crashes

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:17 pm
by MarkoftheWild
This is good! I have have a new laptop I am using for my programing and such right now so it might be party due to the lack of a good video card. However it did crash and now wont start on my back up system. I will get all dump file to you.

BTW, is it possible for us to skype here soon? I have some questions about dealerships. we are interested in mostly the stick and architectural stuff but SS2 as well

Thanks Guys,