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PRISMA and SHAKES in the Easy View

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 12:52 am
Hellow, I'm sorry but I don't speak english and I have the Sunlite 2004 First Class:

Can I see the PRISMA and the SHAKES in the Easy View ?

If the request is NO, why I can adjust the PRISMA and SHAKES parameters in the ScanLibrary Editor ?

If the request is YES, how I can adjust the PRISMA and SHAKES parameters in the ScanLibray Editor ?

Thank you

Pism & Shake

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 8:07 am
by Marc
Prism is already envisaged in the 3d!
Only the information from Sunlite is missing...
You can visualize it nevertheless by pushing F4 in the new render mode
(if you can't see it, that's because your Graphic Card doesn't enable prism...)

Gobo shake is for later... but will be done!