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EasyConsole: Create Custom Console

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:52 pm
by Bastiaan
Dear Sir or Madam,

Although I think the Sunlite Suite works great, I have some trouble setting up my custom midi console. I couldn't find any information in the documentation regarding this topic nor could I find a website/forum thread that discussed the problem I'm experiencing (which made me realize I'm clearly one of the few having the problem and confirmed the fact that I'm an absolute beginner). The point is, that I'd like to hook up my midi console to Sunlite. If, in the console window, I select the BCF2000 for example, and I assign a fader of that console to my own console (by right clicking on a fader of the BCF2000 and moving a fader on my console), and then assigning for example a dimmer function to that fader, everything works fine and I can control the specified property with my own midi console fader. But things don't go that well when trying to recreate my own console in the EasyConsole editor. The interface works quite easily but if I make a test console that has one vertical fader and save it as test.csl in the 'Console' folder (where all the other console.csl files are) and load the console in Sunlite Suite, the fader doesn't appear in the console, it's just an empty white space. When I re-open the csl file in the EasyConsole editor the fader is present while it isn't in the console window in Sunlite Suite itself. I clearly missing out on a step but I can't figure out which, so I would very much appreciate some help.

Thanks in advance,
Best Regards,
Bastiaan Grisèl

Re: EasyConsole: Create Custom Console

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:59 am
by simonB
A file was missing in the installation. Download the file below and copy it into SL2006 Beta\Common\Console

(right click and save link as, otherwise your browser will try to open)