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STICK Controller

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:50 pm
by bobsals
I have a project where i put in the STICK controller. When I call up programs on various pages they do not interface properly. If I have programs written with the "global fixture" list it seems to stay on and track across all pages. Meaning It does not properly allow layering control of teh various cues. The weird part is if I have the computer connected and go into live mode everyting works just fine. Is this a software or frimaware issue that might be easily rectified?

Re: STICK Controller

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:08 pm
by simonB
The STICK works in page priority ABCDE. So if you have A as your global page, it will override everything else, if you put your global page on E, all your individual page settings will override the global page.

The reason this all looks fine when testing with the Live tab on ESAPRO is because this works in LTP (latest takes priority) mode. I have been nagging the developpers to add this to the STICK...hopefully they will sort it soon