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make a template (new fixture)

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 6:17 pm
by jenny
I'm on the edge on throwing out my computer now. How the h-l do you edit the presets? I'm using the scanlibrary editor to make a template to get this lamp working but how do change the presets? For example, channel 10 is dimmer and on that one 0-14 is shutter closed and 15-255 is intensity. But how do I fix that? I don't understand a thing here. I can only choose "set intensity for 0 and intensity for 255". What the hell? I'm very new with this program but is it really that hard to understand? Or am I just stupid?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 7:24 pm
by johanspijker
I don't see the problem, you can make a "new" preset, if you wan't a fader choose "use the dimmer fader"

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:44 pm
by jenny
I can't do whatever I want on a new preset either! For example, channel number five is: pan/tilt speed. I can't choose that anywhere in the new preset window. And channel eleven is: lamp on/off. I want a whole list of options but there are only what, 20? Are there a way to get more options?